Hillary’s Missing Emails Cost 700 Million Dollars
Hillary’s Missing Benghazi Emails Cost Dept. of State 700 million dollars. Late Thursday afternoon, the House approved a bill which will withhold over half a billion dollars from the State Department budget. The cause? The ongoing missing documents on the 2012 terrorism attack at the diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The House has threatened to do this…

Democrats: The Top 10 Disgraceful Remarks
The Top 10 Remarks Democrats Regret Saying If you are human then occasionally you’ve said something you regret. We all try to keep these to a minimum and some of us do a better job than others. A politician and his or her words are amplified even more than the common folks. And boy oh boy,…

Clinton: The Champion of False Claims
Clinton: The Champion of False Claims The 2016 presidential candidate who won’t allow reporters any time for questions, knows how to take advantage of an open microphone. This past week, Hillary Clinton appeared at Southern University in Houston, Texas, and wasted little time in falsely accusing the republicans of suppressing voter registration. Hillary Clinton said, “Today, Republicans…

Rick Perry declares candidacy for 2016
Rick Perry declares he’s in for the 2016 presidential race The announcement came at 11:30 a.m. today (June 4, 2015) from an airplane hangar in Dallas, Texas. Rick Perry, the longest serving governor of Texas said, “We even made it through Jimmy Carter. We’ll make it through the Obama years. We will do this. The…

Scott Walker: 10 All-Time Best Quotes
Scott Walker 10 all-time best quotes Scott Walker hit the national scene on Saturday, January 24, when he took the stage at the Iowa Freedom Summit along with 20 other potential 2016 presidential candidates. It was that very Saturday when he took the conservative mantle off the shelf and claimed ownership. And he didn’t do…