Hillary’s Missing Emails Cost 700 Million Dollars
Hillary’s Missing Benghazi Emails Cost Dept. of State 700 million dollars. Late Thursday afternoon, the House approved a bill which will withhold over half a billion dollars from the State Department budget. The cause? The ongoing missing documents on the 2012 terrorism attack at the diplomatic consulate in Benghazi, Libya. The House has threatened to do this…
THE Conservative Authority – Declarations and Clinton Cash
New Declarations of candidacy for POTUS: Monday, May 4, Carly Fiorina announced she’s in as a republican for the 2016 presidential election. She announced Monday morning on ABC and released a video communicating the same. Here’s a direct link to Carly’s video announcement. Monday, May 4, Dr. Ben Carson announced he’s in as a…
Breaking — State says “No Record of Hillary’s Doc”
In the last hour we have learned the Department of State, “Has no record of Hillary’s separation document (form OF-109),” per Jen Psaki, spokeswoman. Jen Psaki on missing Hillary separation document, 3/17/15 Are you surprised? Let’s face it. We’d be kidding ourselves if any of us thought this document existed. The weaving and spinning the…