Highlighting the top and most relevant videos
Major Garrett makes Obama squirm when asked about not including the four Americans held hostage in Iran -- in the deal with Iran. Obama reacts as a immature juvenile would.
Official 'I'm running for President' announcements:
Ted Cruz: March 23 at Liberty U
Carly Fiorina: May 4 on GMA
Rick Santorum, May 27, 2015 in his Pennsylvania hometown
Rick Perry, Dallas Texas, June 4, 2015
Rand Paul: April 7 in Kentucky
Ben Carson: May 4, Detroit Michigan
George Pataki in Exeter, New Hampshire, May 28, 2015
Jeb Bush, June 15, Miami Florida
Marco Rubio: April 13 in Miami
Mike Huckabee: May 5, Arkansas
Lindsay Graham in South Carolina, June 1
Donald Trump, Trump Plaza, June 16
Hillary Clinton and The False Accusations
Hillary accuses the right of Voter Suppression. Offers zero evidence.
Hillary Clinton bungles her first meeting with Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov
The Hillary Files -- Capturing the truth since she tends to misplace it
Hillary says, 'What difference does it make' during Senatorial hearing
Podesta unable to identify Hillary accomplishments as Sec. of State
Axelrod is unaware of Hillary private server.
Hillary: We were dead broke and had bills to pay
Mika torches David Brock on missing Hillary emails.
Hillary during Senate hearing on Benghazi
Clay Aiken on Hillary Clinton Accomplishment
Famous Presidents visit President Obama
President George Washington encounters President Obama on the White House lawn.
President Abraham Lincoln encounters President Obama at the Lincoln Memorial.
President Thomas Jefferson interacts with President Obama prior to acceptance speech.
President Obama Legacy
President Obama on Fox News
President Abraham Lincoln encounters President Obama at the Lincoln Memorial.
President Thomas Jefferson interacts with President Obama prior to acceptance speech.
Fox News clips

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