Cooper, Kelly top picks to moderate debates | TheHill
Democratic Media Complex selects Anderson Cooper and Megyn Kelly CNN’s Anderson Cooper and Fox News’s Megyn Kelly are the top choices to moderate the presidential debates, according to a new poll. Cooper was the top selection in the #Morning Consult poll released Monday, with 34 percent. Kelly was second, at 25 percent. In a survey…

Ryan is secretly Working Against Trump – Breitbart
Bill Kristol Lets The Cat Out of the Bag: Paul Ryan Is Secretly Working Against Donald Trump – Breitbart JANESVILLE, Wisconsin — “Never #Trump” movement leader Bill #Kristol of the Weekly Standard seemingly accidentally let the cat out of the bag about House Speaker #Paul Ryan: Kristol says #Ryan is secretly working against #Donald Trump,…

Last Hillary Clinton emails coming today | TheHill
Final Hillary Clinton emails coming today Hillary Clinton remaining emails will be available today for the American people to review. The remaining Clinton emails will be released from the State Department so the people can see for themselves whether or not Hillary Clinton had even more classified emails on her server. We have already learned at least…