THE Conservative Authority – Declarations and Clinton Cash

New Declarations of candidacy for POTUS: Monday, May 4, Carly Fiorina announced she’s in as a republican for the 2016 presidential election. She announced Monday morning on ABC and released a video communicating the same.  Here’s a direct link to Carly’s video announcement.    Monday, May 4, Dr. Ben Carson announced he’s in as a…

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5 All-Time Best Carly Fiorina Quotes

Carly Fiorina – 5 all-time best quotes Carly Fiorina announced her candidacy for president of the United States of America today. Here are the 5 all-time best Carly Fiorina quotes you should know. Number 5:  “You know this: our government has grown so big, so powerful, so costly, so complex, so corrupt, the weight of the…

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